This chapter talks about the importance of circle time as an opportunity for teaching self-regulation and allowing children opportunities to practice the skills. It presents an overview and findings from a preschool intervention-the Kindergarten Readiness Study that uses circle time games to help children practice and develop self-regulation skills. The Kindergarten Readiness Study focuses on a set of circle time games that are designed to help children practice self-regulation in fun and engaging ways. There are many interventions that have been developed in recent years aimed at promoting aspects of children's self-regulation. These interventions include classroom curricula, such as Tools of the Mind, comprehensive programs, such as Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS), the Kids in Transition to School Program, the Chicago School Readiness Project, and Preschool RULER, and more focused programs, such as the Kindergarten Readiness Study. The primary focus of the Kindergarten Readiness Study was directly teaching self-regulation skills and increasing the complexity of tasks and activities over time.