Self inquiry is neither the emergency measure of the peculiarly troubled nor the hallmark of a uniquely reflective elite. It is the everyday business of everybody. Self inquiry may seem to aim at calling things by their right names, at finding universal truths, or at learning to bake bread. The analyst's job is to help people to find the ways in which they are wonder-ful. People inquire into what goes on within and around them. At edge-of-awareness, people are always trying to find, to refine, and to make actual their hidden visions of harmony: truth, beauty, goodness, and fairness. They are always trying to make sense of and to make harmonious their feelings, their ideas, their aims, and their acts, one with the other and with those of others. If people were not trying to do all this, the analyst's job would be as impossible as, or more impossible than, it is said to be.