A major area of controversy among individuals involved in the field of sexual abuse is that of the role of sexual trauma in the formation of the sexual deviate. While some professionals in the field insist that all sex offenders were themselves victims, and others disagree. Active sexual traumais well known and easily identified. It occurs when there is a real, direct, sexual molestation involving sexually explicit behaviour on the part of the molester and also on the part of the child. Passive sexual trauma, on the other hand, is more insidious and too often missed. There are several distinct behaviour patterns that child molesters, both pedophiles and hebophiles employ that need to be recognized and dealt with in treatment. In seductive molestation, this is especially true of the incest fathersbut also applies to authority figures who molest their charges. In incest, the abusing parent cons the child into believing that she/he is protecting family, siblings, and so on.