The content of sleep-speech is as close as investigators can get at present to “hot-off-the-griddle,” “eyewitness,” or “brief bulletins” of the ongoing content of the mind while asleep, without interference from factors associated with attempts at wakeful retrospective recall. In addition to the advantage of immediacy to the mental life of sleep, somniloquy possesses many important features by which researchers may acquire new knowledge of sleep psychology and psychophysiology. In this chapter, the author explains each case by a detailed presentation of all laboratory work known to his dealing with sleep-talking and relevant selected findings from related areas, such as somnambulism and night terrors. One or two rare occasions, sleep-talking has been used adjunctively in psychotherapy, and it is hoped that recounting them will encourage further utilization of such opportunities when available and appropriate. The author describes somniloquy in theoretical terms and explores areas of contact with cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics.