The one loss heavyweight people would most like to have is the one most commonly denied them: losing weight. Prevalent beliefs about body weight include the notion that being obese or overweight, or, less pejoratively, heavyweight or fat results from a failure. Fat people are thought to lack self-discipline and self-control, and consequently cannot control their weight. From this perceived loss of control stems a number of losses. Heavyweight people's efforts to control their weight through dieting can result in loss of control over eating and the development of eating disorders. Prejudice against heavyweight people causes a loss of regard from others and limits the ability of fat people to control life outcomes. There are lost opportunities in education, employment, access to good medical care, and interpersonal relationships. Finally, there may be a loss of psychological adjustment and loss of body-satisfaction and self-esteem. This chapter will summarize some of the research that documents the existence of these weight-related losses. It will also examine how some of these losses may be avoided by compensating for the effects of prejudice.