The material discussed in this chapter was prepared for use with children who not only have productive-language delays, but who are also difficult and noncompliant when asked to speak. Not all children willingly respond to suggestions to produce sounds or words, not even when incentives such as candies or toys are used to entice them. In fact, some children behave as though they will not talk, no matter what you do. If your child is highly resistant to requests for speech and often does not do what you ask, then it is likely that this chapter will be useful—even necessary—for you. On the other hand, not all children with productive-language delays are strongly resistant or noncompliant. If your child produces words when you request them, then you can probably skip this chapter. If your child is neither clearly resistant nor clearly compliant, the decision about whether you will need the procedures described in this chapter is more difficult. If you are in doubt, perhaps you should read this chapter anyway and decide later whether you need to use these procedures.