Understanding and exploring our hearts and souls is like herding cats. They seem to have a mind and intent all their own with little regard to what we are wanting or needing in the moment. While in session our feelings and emotions often enter and exit the room (much like our family cats) as we are touched by the stories, pain, and trauma of the couples and families that have trusted us with their most tender parts. Although at times we are drawn toward our clients in a need to comfort and take away their pain, at other times we are compelled to detach or run to the nearest quiet spot available. These unconscious dances are often initiated by the old rhythms that stem and live within each of us from our family of origin. These feelings of anxiety and vulnerability are normal reactions to both past relational voids and our current striving for finding balance in love and intimacy. https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table">

Step 1:

Reflect upon at least three outstanding unhappy or painful memories within your family as a child or adolescent and/or your most significant adult relationships. Identify and list the feelings you experienced at the height of these interactions.

Step 2:

Now list three to five key dynamics/struggles that when exhibited in session with clients will trigger the feelings and memories you just identified above.

Step 3:

Contemplate how your life experiences can either decrease your effectiveness in session or enhance your creativity and connection with clients.