Most of us were drawn to this field because we genuinely wanted to make a difference in people's lives. The intervention phase of treatment is both exciting and challenging. In training we often talk about points of intervention when working with individuals, couples, and families. Because clinicians typically have conversations about subsystems (marital, parental, sibling) and treatment issues (marital discord, parenting competence, child acting out), we invite you to look at your sessions with the following five elements in mind as a possible guiding force to how you might intervene within a session. So, the question is, “Where is your point of intervention?” https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table">

Element 1:

The individuals (clients, adults, children, therapist, etc.)

Element 2:

The relationships (marital, child, adult, etc.) Element 3: The setting (environment, atmosphere, office/home, etc.)

Element 4:

The structure (organization, order, expectations, etc.)

Element 5:

The timing (session length, duration, pace, frequency, etc.)