The title of this volume, Smearing the Queer, represents not only a childhood game based on a premise of antigay violence, but a larger ideology that positions gay male sexuality as something to be vio­ lated in a punitive fashion, instructive in its message communicated and lesson learned. In addition, the smeared queer is situated on a border of sex and disease, embodied by a resistance to taxonomy, and elusive in a fluidity of performances, identities, and representa­ tions. The persistence of homophobia and heterosexism throughout facets of health science converge at the two primary points of treat­ ment and research as vehicles for smearing the queer both literally and figuratively. Through an emphasis on the body and its constitu­ ent parts, health sciences work as a cultural practice to construct queer bodies and the social forces that govern them, while at the same time being confounded by a queer resistance that transgresses scientific claims to order and authority.