This chapter explores the Japanese Eugenic Protection Law for the sake of the public interest and prevents the transmission of hereditary diseases. It suggests that the eugenics bill include other regulations such as the performance of euthanasia, with the consent of parents or at the suggestion of medical professionals, on newborns in the case of congenital diseases or other serious deformity not detected in prenatal tests. The chapter considers the measure as humanitarian, and argues that it would spare unnecessary burden for the family, society and the nation, and guarantee every couple a smart and healthy child. It proposes in part to fill the historical gap that, when the Chinese eugenicists pushed for reinstatement of a eugenics bill in the 80's, there was no historical account of Chinese eugenics development. The chapter also proposes to resolve the puzzle of why the Japanese revised eugenics bill became a model for emulation within the Chinese eugenics discourse.