One of the guiding inspirations for this book has been the magnificent Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris. This great story has always touched our hearts, particularly the moment when the breath of Isis brings the fragmented body of Osiris back to life. 1 In the myth:

Isis and Osiris ruled over the beloved kingdom of the ancient Egyptians. In the midst of great harmony and wholeness, Osiris’ evil brother Set began to gather power. Set captured his envied brother and hacked his body into thirteen pieces, which he scattered and hid along the Nile. In tremendous grief, Isis roamed the banks of the Nile, carrying a winnowing basket, collecting the pieces of Osiris. She traveled into the underworld, where she assembled the pieces of her husband upon an altar. She flew over his re-membered body and breathed into his mouth. His desire for her was awakened, and he inseminated her. This union created the divine child Horus, the harbinger of the new world.