The agrarian revolution of 1930 is the exact opposite of the one which they engineered or allowed to be engineered in 1918, in which the partition of the estates of the large landed proprietors amongst the peasantry took place. From the foregoing, it is easy to predict what the end of the "bold", grandiose, "world-historic" experiment of the present "Agrarian Revolution" in Russia will be. In no circumstances will Soviet Russia be able to create agricultural large-scale production capable of survival. The attempt to conjure up thousands of big holdings over-night has merely resulted, and will continue to result, in the destruction of the soundest and most productive section of peasant population. This will be the only permanent effect of the agrarian revolution. The attempt, by means of centralised bureaucratic and police intimidation, to evolve socialist system of production superior to that of the capitalist system in a most backward people was, from the outset, doomed to end in bankruptcy.