The name reminded Shelley of Thaddeus of Warsaw and Freedom. Shelley had written to Hogg's father protesting that Hogg was not the original corrupter of his principles as Timothy Shelley supposed. Shelley, Harriet and Hogg stayed five weeks in Edinburgh, and then they went to York. Eliza Westbrook joined Harriet at York, and Hogg attempted to seduce Harriet. At Keswick Shelley took a small furnished house called Chesnut Cottage, with a view of Derwent water and Bassenthwaite. Timothy Shelley answered in the same spirit. The manufacturers, with their contamination, have crept into the peaceful vale, and deformed the loveliness of nature with human taint. Harriet also wrote to Miss Hitchener, like a good girl, echoing Shelley's wish that she would come with them and also his sentiments. Shelley went to Ireland with the intention of preaching a vague gospel of virtue, wisdom, tolerance, and benevolence to a wretched, ignorant, distracted people.