This chapter presents a conversation between RobertSlutzkyin and Emmanuel Petit. Painting always requires a frontal engagement. Frontality, as described by Clement Greenberg, is a thickened and taut pictorial plane which is activated by color and drawing in nearly infinite numbers of configurations. It is true that architecture is intended for circulation and usage and is therefore much more complicated in the sense that it has to choreograph the vision of the spectator. However, architecture could be more structurally self-referential, in which case it would reestablish facades in a more compositional, dynamic way. They had interested in neoplastic self referentiality from their experiences in painting at Yale. It dealt with intrinsically defined structural conditions that, in composition, emit dynamic plasticities. Architecture is a synthesis of all the different aspects of program, structure, and site. It addresses all of these issues either in secrecy or out in the open.