Several regions and countries have experienced recessions and severe natural and economic crises during the last two decades. Some regions have recovered from the crises and other regions have experienced a continuous decline in their economy. Such differences in the reaction to the crises in the global economy result in the dynamics of the global space economy. Along with the dynamic changes in the global space economy in the last two decades, increasing interest has been observed in two important themes—namely, “evolutionary turn” and “regional resilience” across the social sciences. The evolutionary turn has significantly affected geography, and evolutionary economic geography has developed as a significant field of research in geography (Boschma and Martin, 2007, 2010; Grabher, 2009; MacKinnon et al., 2009; Martin, 2010). Along with the evolutionary economic geography, Martin (2010) suggested an “alternative path dependent model” to understand the dynamic aspects of the local economic development.