The concept of 'Empire' is characterized by a lack of boundaries. This chapter historises the Soviet Union and early Post-Soviet Russia were in anything but a pioneering position when it came to internet development. The dominance of English is asserted and maintained by the establishment and continuous reconstitution of structural and cultural inequalities between English and other languages. The ARPANET was originally designed as a military defense strategy against the Soviet Union. The diasporas are a special goal of the foundation, which merited a separate subcategory in the presidential edict. The new old Prez Plans for a Post-Soviet Russia seem to confirm this interpretations. The notion of a cyber empire 'victims' were to be preserved only in the era of post-sovereignty in international relations, this 'empire' is not identical to deliberate imperialism but it is not identical to deliberate imperialism. The distinct national colors of the imperialist map of the world have merged and blended in the imperial global rainbow.