Almost every NGO has political goals and, in contrast to its proper name, relevance for government and politics in general. Like other forms of political communication, NGOs too have found a new working space online. In terms of multimodal narratives, NGOs achieve consonance 50" of the time and disjuncture 10" of the time, without any traces of dissonance. The NGOs take on the role of information hubs and broadcasters rather than content generators. NGOs, despite their expected higher levels of sophistication, display much more modest capabilities than social movements when it comes to multimodal message presentation. Social movements, on the other hand, bring in a positive surprise with a variety of visualizations and complex, lucid visual-verbal designs. Social movements take the persuasive road consistently and clearly. Their more complex multimodal designs are executed effectively with simple yet aptly designed visual-verbal narratives that often include emotional displays as well.