This chapter describes how teacher shocked or surprised their students. Classroom routines and rituals are important. They are necessary for our learner's developmental needs. When students begin their courses, they enter a new community. Routines, rituals, and procedures help them feel safe, comfortable, and assimilate them quickly and successfully. Brains recognize routines and rituals. Our brains adjust our thinking and behavior in accordance to these routines. Students are still developing. Teacher should visualize ourselves making the change and imagine possible student reactions. They have so many options that are much more engaging. For example, they can get students to answer a poll, survey each other pose their own questions in a foldable KWL chart, or other graphic organizer. They can use different web tools and mobile apps to inspire students. For at least one class period, shock or surprise students by shaking things up. Change their learning environment, introduce a lesson in an engaging way, or change the classroom routine.