Using the students’ recent exploration of ethos, pathos, logos, and S.O.A.P., it is now time to take the leap into the way authors employ these devices to construct meaning and to develop purpose and tone in their work. This unit is also an opportunity for students to explore the relationship between real-world experiences and their influence on written and spoken expression. Credible resources, reading for fact rather than just for effect, reading strategies for tone and purpose, diction and semantics, and developing the individual perspective based on a variety of sources are the learning targets. Lessons walk through chronicling the events of September 11, 2001, and the Kent State University shootings of May 4, 1970. Within these activities, students will listen to Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young's song “Ohio,” look at Pulitzer prize–winning photography from the event, and read the New York Times article “4 Kent State Students Killed by Troops” by John Kifner.