We are living in a period of unparalleled growth of antirationalism. Exact thinking based upon the principle of consistency is the sacrificial goat to which all the disasters of our times have been imputed. The World War and all the orgies of domineering capitalism have been attributed to rationalism developed in accordance with the requirements of exact thinking. Exact thinking is blamed for drying up the sources of the sacred enthusiasm and for causing the emotional exhaustion of our epoch. Exact thinking, it is alleged, has become the source of the excessive growth of materialistic culture, as well as the shrinkage and sterilization of spiritual life. The demand for a new logic, for new laws of thought more suitable to the needs of spiritual life, has become the hobbyhorse for a whole galaxy of obscure and false doctrines, from the revived dialectic of Hegel to pragmatism, universalism, and the phenomenology of Husserl.