Measure is determined as a correlation of measures which constitute the quality of distinct self-subsistent somethings or things. Measure, as now real measure, is first, a self-subsistent measure of a material thing which is related to others and in this relation specifies them and with them their self-subsistent materiality. distinctive character of the self-subsistent measure finds its true expression in the characteristic series of exponents which it, taken as unit, forms with other such self-subsistent measures; for one of these measures when brought into relation with the rest of them and taken as unit forms another series. The harmonies are exclusive elective affinities whose characteristic quality is equally dissolved again in the externality of a merely quantitative progression. In elective affinity as an exclusive, qualitative correlation, the relationship is rid of this quantitative difference. It is well known that Berthollet modified the general conception of elective affinity by the concept of the activity of a chemical mass.