In being-for-self, qualitative being finds its consummation; it is infinite being. Determinate being is therefore the sphere of difference, of dualism, the field of finitude. Consciousness thus belongs to the sphere of Appearance, or is the dualism, on the one hand of knowing an alien object external to it. Self-consciousness, on the other hand, is being-for-self as consummated and posited; the side of connexion with another, with an external object, is removed. Thus the Eleatic Being or Spinoza's substance is only the abstract negation of all determinateness, without ideality being posited in substance itself. Ideation is a being-for-self in which the determinatenesses are not limits, and consequently not a determinate being, but only moments. Ideality, ideation generally, remains something formal, as also does ideation raised to the form of consciousness. Ideality attaches in the first place to the sublated determinations as distinguished from that in which they are sublated, which by contrast can be taken as the real.