The intrapsychic structure, which underlies the sense of self, consists of a self-representation that has separated from the object representation, has had its infantile grandiosity and omnipotence defused, it contains both positive and negative at the same time, and is able to function autonomously. The intrapsychic structure consists of a grandiose-self-representation fused with an omnipotent-object representation with the major emotional investment in the grandiose self, whose grandiosity is maintained by seeking perfection and the perfect mirroring of others. Developmental self and object relations theory provides some insight into the level of the developmental arrest, the resultant intrapsychic structure, and, finally, the clinical picture of the narcissistic personality disorder. The self-representation and the object representation are well on the way to differentiation. The defensive or libidinal grandiose-self-omnipotent-object relations fused unit of the exhibitionistic narcissistic disorder consists of an omnipotent-object representation that contains all power, perfection, direction, supplies, and so on.