The favourite story is that Chrysopolis was so called because of the Persian satraps who once lived there and heaped up the gold of tribute. As a matter of fact it is very little of a harbour, whose inner waters are barely safe from the swirl of the Bosphorus as it begins to squeeze past Seraglio Point. The front door of Scutari, however, and one altogether worthy of the City of Gold. The reproach cannot be fastened on the City of Gold, because Chalcedon really incurred it. ChamIija is a hill of two peaks, one a little higher than the other, on the descending terraces of which amphitheatrically sprawls the City of Gold. Every one knows the old story of the Delphian Oracle, who told the colonists of Byzantium to settle opposite the City of the Blind. The City of the Blind turned out to be the place whose inhabitants had passed by the site of Seraglio Point.