In the Goodly Tree model found that the kind of knowledge-induced interactions that unify the felicitous conditions of life, can occur because intrinsic in them are the basic needs regime of development. In the knowledge-induced worldview, such a basic need is seen to be primarily unification of knowledge premised on Tawhid. A. H. Maslow’s self-actualization is based on the hierarchy of human fulfilment needs. These comprise, physiological needs at the base, followed consecutively by safety, belongingness, self-esteem, and higher moral needs in which are included social justice and truth. The inversion of Fakhruddin Razi’s social pyramid against Maslow’s at once reverses many of the implications of the basic needs fulfilment regimes of development and other categories that are linked with the self-actualization goal of human fulfilment. Razi’s attributes of God-centred human consciousness make knowledge as the foundation for determining cognitive values. The tree model and the agricultural model both exhibit universal complementarity.