Covering the fields of both law and sex in French, jouissance refers to enjoyment in the sense of enjoying rights, but also sexual, spiritual and physical enjoyment. In the Lacanian schema, jouissance is evoked as the joy of unification that subjects continually seek but can never completely access in the Symbolic. In God and the Jouissance of The Woman. Harvey's goal was to restore critical theory and examine the reproduction of social injustice through complex processes of urbanisation. His work brought to the fore questions of socio-spatial alienation, marginalisation and exclusion which many feminists had long been discussing. Drawing on the work of political theorists and activists, feminists have sought to contextualise our understanding of social injustice whilst retaining a normative commitment to address and transform the socio-spatial processes that reproduce injustice both in terms of distributive issues as well as the political and institutional contexts in which such distributive processes operate.