‘What’s the point of stupid rules? I mean, how is wearing jewellery going to hurt someone? He picks on me, I know he does. There were loads of others with rings and earrings on and he says to me, “Give me your bracelet, jewellery is banned in school. You can get it back at the end of the week from the office.” So I told him he wasn’t having the bracelet. I said, “Give it to me or else.” Who does he think he is, coming over all hard? So I said go for it! There was no way he was getting the bracelet, it was my Gran’s. She died last year and I swore I would keep it on at all times. He said if I didn’t give it to him I would get a detention. I said I wouldn’t come – besides I had detentions every night already anyway. He started to get angry and put me in an internal suspension until I handed over the bracelet. I said fine but I was not giving it to him. I stayed most of the day and then got fed up and skipped lunch so they suspended me. Big deal! Now I get to hang out with my mates around the shops. If he had just asked me to take it off I would have.’