As a trainee working towards QTLS and also as a professional working in a teaching and learning environment it is important to punctuate work correctly. Tutors are expected to be able to support their learners as they develop the essential communication skills that they will require to succeed in their own learning. Your subject specialism may not be English but if your learners need to put pen to paper you will need to be able to: assess that they have used punctuation to make their meaning clear; support learners who have gaps in their knowledge of punctuation; work with specialist staff to support learn-ers who have punctuation needs identified on their individual learning plans. These expectations mean that you need a clear understanding of the basics of punctuation.


The signposting device for the written word.

Minimum core elements


Knowledge of how textual features support reading.

Developing spelling and punctuation skills. Part B Personal Language Skills

Part B Personal Language Skills

Use spelling and punctuation accurately in order to make meaning clear.