The first recorded performance of Etherege's play was on ii March 1676, by the Duke's Company at Dorset Garden. The Man of Mode, or, Sr Fopling Flutter was published by Herringman in 1676. Sir George Etherege had already written The Comical Revenge and She wou'd if She cou'd. Most modern wits such monstrous fools have shown, They seemed not of heaven's making, but their own. Etherege and D. were evidently friends, though the evidence is scarce: D. mentions him in 1673 in a letter to Rochester; in 1676 he refers to him as 'gentle George' in MF; and in 1686 D. writes the verse letter 'To Sir George Etherege'. According to BL MS Sloane 1458 it was spoken by William Smith, who played Sir Fopling. Those nauseous harlequins in farce may pass, But there goes more to a substantial ass! Something of man must be exposed to view, That, gallants, they may more resemble you.