Present and past participles

Present participle—the formation will be clear from these examples:

1st conjugation—dans, (genitive) dantis—giving (from do)

2nd conjugation—iacens, (genitive) iacentis—lying (from iaceo)

3rd conjugation—ducens, (genitive) ducentis—leading (from duco)

4th conjugation—serviens, (genitive) servientis—serving (from servio)

All agree like adjectives and decline like ingens (Kennedy, p. 23), but often ablative singular ends in -e.

Some uses

via ducens ad villam—a road leading to the vill.

dedi terras iacentes in ilia parochia—I gave lands lying in that parish.

omnia aisiamenta dicto tenemento spectantia—all easements belonging to the said tenement (from specto—to belong to, etc.).

Past participle—for formation see Chapter 12.

Some uses

per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta—by the services thence owed and by right accustomed.

messuagium vocatum Grenesplace—a messuage called Grenesplace. et hac presenti carta nostra indentata confirmavimus—and by this our present indented charter we have confirmed …

NOTE. Many participles, past and present, will be found individually entered in the Word List at the end of the book.