Early life Robert Browning was born in 1812 in Camberwell, a suburb of London, and was brought up in a middle-class urban environment. Events in the family history demonstrate that his background was markedly unlike that of the typical bourgeois phiiistine. His father, revolted by the slave system on the family estates on St Kitt's, came home, planning to devote himself to some form of artistic pursuit, but found it necessary to work as a clerk in the Bank of England. He devoted his spare time to collecting books on many topics ancient and modern history, scholasticism, politics, and lives of poets and painters. He had a library of 6,000 volumes, which constituted much the most important element in his son's education. He did not forgo the creative arts entirely: according to Rossetti he had 'a real genius for drawing': and he wrote poetry, including a Pied Piper of Hamelin. Understandably therefore, he took great vicarious pleasure in his son's artistic achievements. B.'s mother was Sarah Anna Wiedemann, of Scottish and German background. She was a subdued but powerful personality, very religious and quite musical. The home environment was secure, relaxed and well protected for B. and his younger sister Sarianna.