N O T E O N W E IG H T S , M E A S U R E S A N D C U R R E N C Y

I use Roman weights and measures throughout. The modern equiva­ lents are approximately as follows:

12 inches (unciae) = I foot {pes) — n f inches = 29-6 centimetres I mile (mille passus) = 4,855 feet = 1,480 metres 1 iugerum = f acre = 0*25 hectares 1 arura = f acre = 0*27 hectares 1 centuria = 200 iugera = 1 2 5 acres = 50 hectares 1 millena — 12J iugera = 7§ acres = 3-25 hectares 24 scruples (scripuli) — 1 ounce (uncia) 12 ounces {unciae) = 1 pound {libra) = 11% ounces = 321 grammes 1 sextarius = 1 pint = 0*57 litres 16 sextarii = 1 modius 1 modius = 1 peck = 9 litres 1 artaba = 3J pecks = 30 litres

For the currency see pp. 165-68, and for the purchasing power of the solidus see p. 8.