First pub!. MR n.s. x Qan. 1836) 45-6, following Porphyria; the two poems were signed 'Z.' Repr. B & P iii (DL), 26 Nov. 1842, still with Porphyria but now preceding it; the poems were given the collective title Madhouse Cells and the epigraph was dropped. Then 1849 (with the title I.-Madhouse Cell, and the subtitle johannes Agricola in Medit4tion), 1863 (when it was separated from Porphyria, called simply Johannes Agricola in Medit<Jtion, and placed in Romances: see Appendix A, II 464), 1868 (when it was placed in Men and Women: see Appendix A, ibid.), 1888. It is very unusual among the poems of DL and DR & L in not being included in any volume of selections chosen by B.: it appears in a proof of 18652 (now at Texas) but was deleted before publication. The date of composition is conjectural, but it has features in common with Paracelsus, and may have been written at the same time.