The peace should likewise be made by a government with wide cross-party support. The First Sea Lord declared that he could not take part any longer in the Dardanelles 'foolishness' and threatened to depart for Scotland. The Fisher/Churchill clash, obscure in its detail though it was, gave further ammunition to those who thought the First Lord an impossible person to work with. In the inter-war period, in the light of the subsequent carnage on the Western Front and of Churchill's own defence of his actions in The World Crisis, commentators and historians looked more favourably upon the enterprise than had the Dardanelles Commission when it investigated matters in 1916. Churchill profoundly convinced that air power would profoundly alter the strategy of the future, but had been able to give this question the attention it deserved. Churchill, however, was more interested in going to Jerusalem, where he endeavoured to explain to interested parties precisely what Britain aimed to do in Palestine.