The new population elements have already often been incidentally mentioned: Iranians on the one hand, Turcomans on the other, and even the Mongols too in the east of the country and later in the central Anatolian plateau had settled down after 1256 with their animals and their families. While the Turcomans already settled in Anatolia migrated more or less westwards towards the Byzantine Empire, the new arrivals often came more or less directly from Central Asia, where they had not undergone the same pattern of development as their kin in Asia Minor. The political and institutional history of Asia Minor under Mongol protectorate leaves an impression of disorder and ruin which cannot be an illusion but must be qualified, inasmuch as the same period, particularly before the fourteenth century, saw an immense activity of commerce and culture. The incorporation of Asia Minor into the Mongol system entailed as time passed the alignment of its money with that of the ilkhans.