The characteristics of the French economy continue to change at a very rapid pace, and it is difficult to find up-to-date analyses in English. There are very few recent books in English which specifically provide an overall presentation of the French economy. However, several edited books have been published in recent years that include chapters and essays on the French economy, and a number of studies of specialized areas of interest or of economic history can be found. J. Szarka, Business in France: An Introduction to the Economic and Social Context (Pitman, 1992), is already dated but still provides a useful and clear general presentation of the main aspects of the French economy in a matter-of-fact business approach. There is a very short introduction to the French economy in J. Girling, France: Political and Social Change (Routledge, 1999), and a more significant chapter in B. Foley’s European Economies since the Second World War (Macmillan, 1998). Also useful is the short chapter by P. Holmes on France in D. A. Dyker (ed.), The National Economies of Europe (Longman, 1992). More substantial analysis, in the context of the integration of the French economy within the European Union, can be found in several chapters of the book edited by A. Guyomarch et ah, France in the European Union (Macmillan, 1998), especially about industrial, agricultural and economic policies.