I have included in this chapter an annotated listing of resources that many other social scientists would classify under the separate headings of philosophy, critical theory, cultural theory, political philosophy, sociology and sociological theory, and psychology. My reasons are largely pragmatic. The Web resources in some of these subject areas are not yet plentiful. Various reasons can be advanced to account for this but here is not the place to analyse this question. Let me illustrate briefly with reference to sociology and psychology. Although there are many resources on the Web that are relevant to sociologists, there are few that would meet Durkheim’s strictures of sociological sui generis. Sociology is largely a twentieth-century discipline whose intellectual artefacts are covered by copyright laws. In addition, with the exception of left-leaning sociologists, and there appear to be few of them putting their heads above the parapets these days, there have not been many who have enthusiastically embraced electronic communication platforms. Thus, even those nineteenth-century masterpieces that are not covered by copyright laws have not found a pathway through the scanner or word processor on to the Web.