There are a considerable number of mailing lists dealing with economics, financial and business matters. As with printed journals, they range from those dealing with very specific sub-areas of economics, to those that are more general in nature. In earlier chapters I provided detailed information on how to locate the names, subject matter and addresses of relevant lists, as well as how to subscribe, unsubscribe, etc. Bill Goffe’s Resources for Economists on the Internet,

<https://netec.mcc.ac.uk/~adnetec/EconFAQ/EconFAQ.html" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://netec.mcc.ac.uk/~adnetec/EconFAQ/EconFAQ.html>

which is a very comprehensive guide to resources in economics, has a section on mailing lists dealing with subjects likely to be of interest to economists. The LISTSERV economics mailing lists that were most heavily subscribed to, with the number of subscribers as of 7 February 1998, were as follows:


Agricultural Economics Discussion List (325 subscribers)


Economics and demography of ageing, ageing policy (361 subscribers)


Ekonomika mailing list (2065 subscribers)


Land & Resource Economics Network (863 subscribers)


Ecology and Economics Seminar Series (357 subscribers)

The two most prominent discussion groups are sci.econ and sci.econ.research. The communications of the latter are archived at <https://ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/economics/sci.econ.research/" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/economics/sci.econ.research/>