In September 1713, after Louis had had referred the matter to Rome, the Pope Clement issued the bull Unigenitus condemning essential Jansenist propositions. Mme de Maintenon had turned against Noailles, her former protege; more ominously for the Jansenists, after 1693 and the settlement of the régale issue, Pope Clement XI was reconciled with the king. Louis was most determined in action when his conception of duty coincided with his personal preferences and suspicions. Quietism, like Jansenism, exhibits certain perennial features of religious psychology; like Jansenism it stems directly from the experience of Counter-Reformation. Mme de Maintenon, the ex-Huguenot, had been demonised by Huguenots as a malign influence on the king. She was tactfully unobtrusive in the early years of her unacknowledged marriage but that did nothing to lessen the suspicion that she was, in religious matters, a power behind the throne.