The Crimea was a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire, ruled by its own leaders, hans. The final days of the Tatars in the Crimea came during and immediately after the Crimean War. Today the Russian province of Erivan is the main part of the Armenian Republic, Turkish Muslims made up the majority of its population. The Armenian population whose descendants would live in the Armenian Republic were in the 1820s scattered over the Caucasus and eastern Anatolia. Today their descendants are Turks, as citizens of the Turkish Republic, but until Russian conquest they were independent tribesmen living in the western Caucasus. After the war the last of the Muslim coastal peoples, the Laz, were also exiled by the Russians. The coast of the Caucasus was now free for Russian settlement. Whether at that early date what we call nationalism or an older religious separatism was at work in the Greek revolution is a matter of speculation.