Lvov March 15: abdication of Tsar Nicholas II April 6: United States declares war on Germany April 16: Lenin returns to Russia July 19: German Reichstag votes Peace Resolution July 20: Kerensky Prime Minister of Russia November 6: Bolshevik seizure of public buildings in Petrograd November 8: Russian People’s Council of Commissars established (October

revolution) November 16: Georges Clemenceau Prime Minister of France December 20: establishment of Cheka (Russian secret police)

1918 January 8: Woodrow Wilson presents the Fourteen Points March 3: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Germany and Russia signed March 21: “Ludendorff offensive” on western front July 16: murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family August 8: “black day” of German army August 27: Auxiliary Treaty of Brest-Litovsk September 29: Bulgaria concludes armistice October 4: abdication of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria October 30: Turkey concludes armistice November 3: Austria-Hungary conclude armistice November 9: proclamation of German Republic and abdication of Kaiser

Wilhelm II; Stinnes-Legien pact between employers and unions in Germany

November 11: Germany concludes armistice December 14: British (“khaki” or “coupon”) general election

1919 John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace January 18: opening of Paris Peace Conference January 19: elections to German Constituent Assembly March 2: formation of Third (Communist) International March 22: Bela Kun’s revolution in Hungary April 24: Italian Prime Minister Orlando leaves Paris conference


June 28: signature of Treaty of Versailles (Germany) September 10: signature of Treaty of Saint Germain (Austria) November 27: signature of Treaty of Neuilly (Bulgaria)

1920 January 10: beginning of League of Nations March 13-17: Kapp putsch June 4: Treaty of Trianon signed (Hungary) July 11: British proposal of Curzon line as eastern frontier of Poland July 19-August 7: second conference of Communist International; estab-

lishes Twenty-One Conditions August 6 August 10: Treaty of Sèvres signed (Turkey) December 23: Government of Ireland Act

1921 Jaroslav Hatek, The Good Soldier Uvejk April 15: failure of British miners’ strike April 27: Reparation Commission fixes German reparations at 132 billion

gold marks May 15: Italian elections: first significant breakthrough of Mussolini’s fascist

party August 26: assassination of German politician Matthias Erzberger December: Treaty establishes Irish Free State

1922 Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West April 16: Germany and Russia conclude Treaty of Rapallo, establishing

diplomatic representation and renouncing financial claims June 24: assassination of Walther Rathenau September 22: Turkish troops capture Smyrna October 30: Mussolini Prime Minister of Italy

1923 January 11: Belgian and French troops occupy Ruhr June 14: Bulgarian leader Alexander Stamboliski killed July 24: Treaty of Lausanne signed, establishing borders of Turkey September 13: General Primo de Rivera seizes power (Spain) September 26: abandonment of passive resistance in Ruhr November 8-9: Ludendorff ’s and Hitler’s “beer hall putsch” in Munich


November: stabilization of German currency after hyper-inflation December 6: UK general election and formation of first Labour government

under Ramsay MacDonald

1924 Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain January 21: death of Lenin April 6: election in Italy with single government list dominated by fascists April 9: presentation of Dawes reparations plan May 11: election victory of cartel des gauches in France June 10: assassination of Italian socialist leader Matteotti October 29: UK general election and formation of Baldwin government

1925 Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) April 26: Von Hindenburg elected President of Germany May 5: Britain returns to gold standard at the rate of $4.86 to the pound October 2: Pact of Palazzo Vidoni (labor and employers) in Italy October 5-16: conference of Locarno: Germany accepts western frontier

1926 May 3-12: General Strike in UK May 12-14: coup of General Pigsudski (Poland) July 23: formation of Poincaré government in France September 8: Germany admitted to League of Nations

1928 August 27: Pact of Paris signed (Briand-Kellogg Pact to abolish war as an

instrument of policy)

1929 Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front February 11: Lateran Accords of Italy and Vatican April 25: launch of first Soviet Five Year Plan at Sixteenth Party Congress June 7: presentation of Young reparations plan October 3: death of Stresemann October 24: New York stock market crash (“Black Thursday”) December 22: referendum on Young Plan in Germany


1930 Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Discontents José Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses March 2: Stalin’s “dizzy with success” speech calls temporary halt to

collectivization and dekulakization June 17: US Congress approves Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act June 30: Belgian and French troops leave Rhineland August 17: Pact of San Sebastian (Spain) leads to Alfonso XIII’s abdication

and democratization September 14: German elections, with large Nazi vote

1931 May 11: failure of Austrian Creditanstalt June 20: Hoover moratorium of one year on reparation and war debt

payments announced July 13: failure of German Danat Bank September 18: Mukden incident and beginning of Japanese occupation of

Manchuria September 21: United Kingdom abandons gold standard October 27: UK general election returns “National Government” under


1932 Charles de Gaulle, The Edge of the Sword March 10: De Valera becomes President of Executive Council in Ireland May 30: Brüning resigns as German Chancellor and is replaced by von

Papen June 16-July 9: reparations conference in Lausanne, Switzerland July 21-August 21: Ottawa Imperial Conference establishes preferential

tariffs in British Empire October 4: Gömbös forms government in Hungary December 2: Von Schleicher becomes German Chancellor

1933 January 30: Hitler becomes German Chancellor February 27: Reichstag fire March 5: Reichstag elections March 23: Enabling Act in Germany April 20: United States abandons gold standard parity June 12-July 27: World Economic Conference in London


1934 January 26: German-Polish Non-Aggression Treaty February 6: demonstrations by fascist leagues in Paris February 1-16: civil war in Vienna, and suppression of socialists June 30: Nazi purge (“Night of the Long Knives”) July 25: assassination of Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss by Austrian Nazis October 9: assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia and French

Foreign Minister Barthou, followed by regency of Prince Paul December 1: assassination of Kirov

1935 Beatrice and Sidney Webb, The Soviet Union: A New Civilisation? January 5: Laval agrees to cession of Abyssinia to Italy January 13: plebiscite in Saar March 16: introduction of universal military service in Germany in breach

of Versailles treaty April 11-14: Stresa conference of France, the UK and Italy May 2: Franco-Soviet Pact signed May 12: death of Marshal Pigsudski September 15: Nuremberg racial laws in Germany October 11: League of Nations imposes sanctions on Italy

1936 John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and

Money February 16: elections in Spain with victory of Popular Front and formation

of Quiroga government March 7: Germany sends troops into Rhineland May 3: Popular Front elections in France July 17: Spanish Civil War begins with army revolt in Morocco August 5: proclamation of martial law in Greece and establishment of

dictatorship of General Metaxas September 26: dismissal of Yagoda and replacement by Ezhov as Soviet

secret police chief; beginning of large-scale purges October 1: devaluation of French franc October 6: death of Gyula Gömbös December 11: abdication of King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom after

constitutional crisis


1937 November 6: Italy joins German-Japanese “Anti-Comintern Pact”

1938 History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), A Short Course March 12-13: Germany seizes Austria (Anschluss) April 26: German law requires registration of Jewish property September 29: the UK, France, Germany and Italy conclude Munich

agreement on Czechoslovakia November 9-11: anti-Semitic pogroms in Germany November 12: decree excludes German Jews from economic life

1939 March 15: Germany invades Czechoslovakia March 28: surrender of Madrid (end of Spanish Civil War) May 3: Molotov replaces Litvinov as Soviet Foreign Minister August 23: Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact September 1: Germany invades Poland September 3: France and the United Kingdom declare war on Germany September 17: Soviet attack on Poland September 21: Heydrich orders annexed areas of Poland to be “made free

of Jews” November 30: Soviet attack on Finland December 14: Soviet Union expelled from League of Nations

1940 April 9: Germany invades Denmark and Norway May 10: Germany invades Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands;

Churchill becomes UK Prime Minister June 10: Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom with effect

on June 11 June 14: German troops enter Paris June 17: Pétain asks for armistice June 18: de Gaulle’s first radio appeal from London for “Free France” June 22: France signs armistice with Germany and Italy July 10: new French constitutional law establishes État français September 3: British-American agreement on destroyers October 14: meeting of Pétain and Hitler at Montoire, France October 23: meeting of Franco with Hitler at Hendaye, France October 28: Italy invades Greece


1941 January 6: Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech March 25-27: coup against pro-German Regent in Yugoslavia April 6: Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece June 22: German Operation Barbarossa: invasion of Soviet Union July 3: radio address of Stalin August 14: Anglo-American Atlantic Charter September 6: German Jews forced to wear yellow star October 14-16: beginning of systematic deportation of German Jews to

eastern camps December 3: Führer decree orders rationalization of German armaments

production December 7: Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 11: Germany and Italy declare war on United States December 13: Bulgaria declares war on United States

1942 Social Insurance and Allied Services (Beveridge Report) January 18: military agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan signed

in Berlin January 20: Wannsee conference on planning details of murder of European

Jews July 1: German advance in North Africa halted at El Alamein August 24: First Quebec Conference (Churchill and Roosevelt) November 8: US soldiers in North Africa November 11: Germany takes over unoccupied France December 17: Allied joint declaration on German extermination of Jews

1943 Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness January 24: policy of unconditional surrender declared by Allies at

Casablanca February 2: German troops surrender at Stalingrad July 10: Allied invasion of Sicily July 25: Marshal Badoglio replaces Mussolini as head of Italian government September 8: announcement of Italian armistice September 10: German troops occupy Rome September 15: German paratroopers rescue Mussolini


October 9: Churchill visits Moscow and concludes percentages agreement November 28-December 1: Teheran conference of Churchill, Roosevelt and


1944 Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom Raphael Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of

Government, Proposals for Redress March 22: Germany takes over Hungarian government; deportation of

Hungarian Jews begins June 4: Americans and British capture Rome June 6: Allied landings in Normandy July 1-15: United Nations monetary conference at Bretton Woods, New

Hampshire July 20: bomb explodes in Hitler’s headquarters, the Wolfschanze, near

Rastenburg in the Masurian Lakes August 1: Warsaw Rising begins (until October 2) August 23: King Michael of Rumania dismisses Antonescu and accepts

Allied armistice September 5: Soviet declaration of war on Bulgaria October 17: German soldiers arrest Admiral Horthy

1945 January 11: Soviet capture of Warsaw February 4-11: meeting of Stalin with Roosevelt and Churchill (the “Big

Three”) at Yalta April 16: Russian offensive against Berlin begins April 28: execution of Mussolini by Italian partisans April 30: suicide of Hitler May 7: Admiral Dönitz’s government declares unconditional surrender May 8: conclusion of European armistice July 5: UK general election: the result (Labour victory) announced July 26 July 17-August 2: Potsdam conference of “Big Three” August 6: US bombing of Hiroshima with atomic bomb August 8: Soviet declaration of war on Japan August 9: atomic bomb dropped by US on Nagasaki August 14: Japan announces unconditional surrender November 20: Nuremberg trial of twenty Nazi leaders opens


1946 March 31: Greek elections supervized by western military protection May 5: French referendum rejects constitutional proposal May 9: abdication of King Vittorio Emanuele III of Italy June 2-3: election to Italian Constituent Assembly October 16: French approval of new constitution

1947 Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Humanism and Terror January 7: adoption of French plan (Monnet plan) January 19: elections in Poland produce 78.9 percent vote for government

bloc after widespread intimidation February 22: Secretary of State Marshall’s speech at Princeton Alumni Day May 4: communists ousted from French government May 31: resignation of Ferenc Nagy in Hungary June 5: Marshall announces European Recovery Program at Harvard

commencement August 15: end of British rule in India; establishment of Pakistan August 31: in Hungarian elections, communist party the strongest party (22

percent of vote)

1948 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-four February 25: communist seizure of power in Czechoslovakia March 10: death of former Czech Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk June 18: German currency reform in Berlin and western zones June 19: Soviet blockade of West Berlin begins June 28: Cominform (successor to Comintern) denounces Yugoslav

“Trotskyism” September 3: Polish communist leader Gomugka confesses “errors” December 9: United Nations General Assembly adopts Convention on the

Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide December 9-10: United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1949 Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex April 4: establishment of North Atlantic Treaty Organization by Washing-

ton Treaty May 23: establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany


August 29: first Soviet atomic bomb test, revealed to the world by US, British and Canadian intelligence reports on September 22

September 16: trial of László Rajk (hanged October 15)

1951 April 18: signing of Treaty of Paris (European Coal and Steel Community) October 25: UK general election produces Conservative victory and new

prime ministership of Churchill

1952 February 18: Greece and Turkey join NATO May 27: European Defence Community treaty signed in Paris July 25: European Coal and Steel Community Treaty in force (realization of

Schuman plan) November 27: Slánsko trial in Prague

1953 March 5: death of Stalin June 16-17: street protests in East Berlin June 26: arrest of Beria July 4: Imre Nagy becomes Prime Minister of Hungary

1954 May 7: defeat of France at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam August 30: French Assembly rejects European Defence Community treaty November 1: attacks on French police and military in Algeria

1955 May 5: Federal Republic of Germany becomes a sovereign state, under terms

of 1954 Paris Agreements May 9: Federal Republic of Germany joins NATO May 11-14: Warsaw security conference of eight east and central European

states creates Warsaw Pact June 1-2: discussions of six ECSC members at Messina, Sicily July 18-23: France, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and United States

leaders meet in Geneva

1956 Anthony Crosland, The Future of Socialism


February 14: Khrushchev attacks Stalin at twentieth Soviet party congress June 23: Nasser elected President of Egypt June 28-30: riots in Poznaj, Poland July 26: Egyptian nationalization of Suez canal October 23: student and worker demonstrations in Budapest October 30: end of one-party system in Hungary announced November 4: Soviet tank attacks on Budapest begin November 5: France and the UK capture Port Said, Egypt

1957 Milovan Djilas, The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System March 25: signature of Treaty of Rome establishing European Economic

Community October 4: Soviet launch of Sputnik I

1958 January 1: beginning of European Economic Community May 13: coup of French army and settlers in Algeria June 1: de Gaulle becomes Prime Minister of France October 28: election of Cardinal Roncalli as Pope John XIII

1959 Günter Grass, The Tin Drum November 13-15: German SPD party congress at Bad Godesberg accepts


1960 Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology February 13: French atomic bomb test May 27: Turkish military coup against government of Adnan Menderes, who

is killed

1961 Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth August 13: construction of Berlin Wall

1962 Rachel Carson, Silent Spring Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch


March 18: ceasefire and establishment of independent Algerian state, in Évian, France

October 11: opening of Second Vatican Council (until December 8, 1965) October 22: Cuban missile crisis

1963 January 22: Franco-German treaty of reconciliation signed

1964 October 14-15: deposition of Khrushchev as Soviet leader, replaced by

Brezhnev as Party Secretary and Kosygin as Prime Minister October 15: UK general election won by Labour Party and Wilson becomes

Prime Minister

1965 March 22: Ceausescu becomes leader of Rumanian communist party November 11: White Rhodesians under Ian Smith make unilateral declara-

tion of independence

1966 March-May: protests in Barcelona (Caputxinada) December 1: formation of Great Coalition government in Germany under


1967 April 21: coup of Greek military (“the Colonels”) June 2: Berlin demonstration against Shah December 13: unsuccessful attempted counter-coup of King of Greece

1968 January 5: Dubaek becomes general secretary of Czechoslovak communist

party April 4: assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. April 11: shooting of Rudi Dutschke May 10-11: students build barricades in Paris, followed by mass strikes May 19-20: elections in Italy June 30: parliamentary elections in France produce victory for right July 14-15: Warsaw Pact summit July 29: Papal encyclical on birth control, Humanae Vitae


August 21: Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia September 25: Brezhnev doctrine about the irreversibility of communism

published in Pravda

1969 Kate Millett, Sexual Politics April 17: Dubaek dismissed as general secretary of Czechoslovak communist

party June 16: presidential election in France won by Pompidou September 28: election in West Germany produces social-liberal coalition

under Brandt

1970 June 18: UK general election produces Conservative victory and Heath

becomes Prime Minister August 12: signature of Moscow Treaty (German-Soviet) December 7: signature of Warsaw Treaty (German-Polish)

1971 August 15: end of gold convertibility of US dollar at $35 per ounce, and

collapse of Bretton Woods monetary system

1972 Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth January 30: massacre by British troops of thirteen civilians during civil rights

march in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, on “Bloody Sunday” March 30: direct rule of Northern Ireland from Westminster June 3: Four Power Agreement on Berlin November 19: German elections in which Brandt’s government is re-elected

1973 January 1: Denmark, the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom join

European Community

1974 February 28: Conservative defeat in UK general election and Wilson

becomes Prime Minister April 25: overthrow of Caetano government in Portugal and establishment

of Junta of National Salvation headed by General de Spínola


May 6: resignation of Brandt as German Chancellor (succeeded by Schmidt) May 19: Giscard d’Estaing elected President of France

1975 July 30-August 1: Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation

in Europe signed in Helsinki November 15-17: Rambouillet summit of leaders of major industrial

countries November 20: death of General Franco

1976 April 15: Callaghan succeeds Wilson as UK Prime Minister June 7: Agreement of UK with IMF June 20-21: Italian elections with strong communist vote

1977 October 13-18: hijacking of Lufthansa jet ended with storming at

Mogadishu, Somalia October 18: suicide of German Red Army Faction terrorist leaders Baader,

Ensslin and Raspe

1978 August 26: election of Cardinal Albino Luciani as Pope John Paul (I) October 16: election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyga as Pope John Paul II December 6: new Spanish constitution with substantial measure of devolu-

tion passes national referendum

1979 January 16: flight of Shah of Iran May 3: UK general election and victory for Margaret Thatcher’s Con-

servative Party June 2-10: Pope’s first visit to Poland October 6: US Federal Reserve Bank increases interest rates

1980 Willy Brandt (Chairman of Independent Commission on International

Development Issues), North-South: A Program for Survival January 12: creation of Green Party in Germany May 4: death of Tito August 14-31: strikes in Gdajsk shipyards, Poland


1981 January 3: admission of Greece to European Community March 10: Geoffrey Howe’s UK budget raises taxes in a recession May 10: election of Mitterrand as French President May 13: assassination attempt against John Paul II July 13: riots in Toxteth and Southall, England December 13: imposition of martial law in Poland

1982 April 2: Argentina invades the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), a British

Dependent Territory September 17: defeat of Schmidt government in motion of confidence

and Kohl becomes Chancellor of a center-right coalition government in Germany

November 10: death of Leonid Brezhnev

1983 Jean-François Revel, Why Democracies Perish March 25: French austerity plan in response to exchange rate crisis

1984 February 9: death of Yuri Andropov March 12: coalminers start unofficial strike in Britain October 19: kidnapping of Father Popieguszko; body discovered Octo-

ber 30

1985 March 10: death of Konstantin Chernenko, followed by election of Mikhail

Gorbachev as General Secretary of Soviet Communist Party September 22: Group of Five Finance Ministers meet to discuss exchange

rates at Plaza Hotel, New York

1986 January 1: Portugal and Spain join European Community February 17 and 28: Single European Act providing for the creation of single

internal market in Europe February 26: Marshall ruling. The European Court of Justice sets out the

principle of equality of treatment between women and men March 16: victory of right in French parliamentary elections


April 26: nuclear accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine December 17: Jakes replaces Husák as first secretary of Czechoslovak

communist party

1987 February 21-22: Finance Ministers discuss exchange rates at Louvre

meeting, Paris

1989 January 25: Soviet troops begin last stages of withdrawal from Afghanistan April 5: Polish government legalizes Solidarnomw May 7: local elections in GDR June 3-4: crushing of pro-democracy movement in Tiananmen Square,

Beijing June 4 and 18: free elections in Poland September 11: Hungary opens border with Austria October 9: Monday demonstrations in Leipzig begin October 18: Honecker replaced by Egon Krenz as First Secretary in East

Germany November 9: lifting of travel restrictions in East Germany, including across

Berlin Wall November 10: dismissal of Bulgarian communist leader Zhivkov December 2-3: Bush and Gorbachev summit at Malta December 10: non-communist government in Czechoslovakia after resigna-

tion of Husák December 21-22: revolution against Ceausescu in Rumania December 25: execution of Ceausescu and his wife December 29: Czech parliament elects Václav Havel President

1990 March 18: elections in GDR with victory for parties supporting unification April 1: UK government introduces poll tax July 1: currency union of two Germanies July 16: Kohl visit to Gorbachev secures Soviet consent for NATO member-

ship of united Germany August 2: Iraq invades Kuwait September 12: Two Plus Four Treaty (Treaty on Final Settlement with

Respect to Germany) signed October 3: East and West Germany unite


November 24: Thatcher announces resignation November 28: John Major becomes UK Prime Minister December 2: Kohl victory in elections in united Germany December 9: Wagcsa elected President of Poland December 23: Slovenia votes for independence in a referendum

1991 January 13: Soviet troops kill demonstrators in Vilnius, Lithuania March 31: dissolution of military command of Warsaw Pact June 12: Yeltsin elected as President of Russia June 27: Yugoslav army begins to fight Slovenia June 28: announcement of end of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

(Comecon) July 1: end of Warsaw Pact August 18-21: coup against Gorbachev in Soviet Union August 24: President of Ukraine calls for independence August 31: Kyrgyzstan declares independence from Soviet Union, followed

by six other Soviet republics and Chechnya following referendum December 1: declaration of Ukrainian independence December 11: Treaty of Maastricht lays out concrete timetable for European

Monetary Union December 21: dismantling of Soviet Union as eleven Presidents of former

Soviet Republics meet at Alma Ata December 23: German recognition of Croatian and Slovenian independence December 25: resignation of Gorbachev as President of Soviet Union

1992 Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man January 15: EU recognition of Croatia and Slovenia February 29: Bosnian referendum for independence September 16: United Kingdom exchange rate crisis ends UK membership

of European Monetary System Exchange Rate Mechanism

1993 January 1: breakup of Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic and Slovakia

(“the velvet divorce”) August 2: agreement on wider bands of fluctuation in European Monetary

System due to speculative attacks against French franc September 21: Yeltsin’s siege of Russian parliament


December 12: Russian parliamentary elections produce large vote for non-democratic parties

1994 September 2 to August 31, 1996: first Chechen war

1995 January 1: Austria, Finland and Sweden become members of the European

Union March 26: Schengen agreement on internal movement between some EU

countries in force July 11: Serb massacre of Bosnian Moslems at Srebrenica November 21: Dayton agreement on Bosnian “entities”

1996 Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World

Order July 3: re-election of Yeltsin as President of Russia

1997 May 1: UK general election victory of Labour Party under Tony Blair August 17: Russian financial crisis produces default and devaluation

1998 March: intensified Serb attacks on Albanians begin

1999 January 1: legal beginning of euro as common European currency March 8: Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join NATO March 24: NATO bombing of Serbian positions August 7: Chechen war restarts August 9: appointment of Putin as Russian Prime Minister December 31: resignation of Yeltsin as President

2000 March 26: election of Putin as President of Russia September 24: defeat of Miloseviw in election for Presidency of
