War of the Oranges against Portugal, concluded by the Treaty of Badajoz. Spain acquires the small frontier district of Olivenza in May-June 1801. In December 12, 1804, Spain declares war on Britain. Plans are begun for the combined French and Spanish fleets to draw off the British channel fleet thus enabling Napoleon to mount an invasion. The popular insurrection against the French, combined with a revolution against the old order, spreads across Spain with juntas declaring for Ferdinand. Joseph Bonaparte is crowned King of Spain and the Indies at Burgos in July 7, 1808. Juntas in Spanish America declare their independence under the pretext of declaring for Ferdinand; their assumption being that Spain is about to fall to Napoleon in April-May 1810. The military revolt spreads across Spain in February 1820. Invasion of Spain by French troops to restore order and to restore Ferdinand to full power in April 7, 1823.