General Bonaparte returns to France from Egypt; he arrives in Paris 16 October, 1799. Law of 28 Pluviose establishes the departmental prefects and a new administrative system in France in February 17, 1800. Between August-September 1805, the Third Coalition is organised against France. Napoleon breaks up the camp at Boulogne preparing for the invasion of Britain and marches his army against Austria. The Corps legislative adopts a resolution critical of further war, except in defence of French territorial integrity, and urging Napoleon to uphold the laws guaranteeing political liberties. Napoleon refuses to let the resolutions be published and adjourns the body in December 25, 1813. In June-November 1815, a sporadic white terror is directed against Bonapartists in different parts of France, among the victims, in Avignon on 2 Aug, is one of Napoleon's marshals, Guillaume Brune. In 1818, March 10, new law on army recruitment taking its name from the Minister of War, Marshal Gouvion St. Cyr.