The subsequent award-winning film based on the case called The Three Faces of Eve, brought Multiple personality disorder (MPD) to much wider public attention. Although certainly not well known prior to the Thigpen and Cleckley case study of Eve, MPD has a relatively long history. Following on from the case study of Eve, the best known MPD case study surrounds the case of 'Sybil', a patient who developed as many as 16 separate personalities in order to deal with horrendous physical and sexual child abuse. Cleckley and Thigpen were already respected academics prior to the publication of the Eve case study and continued with their careers. They also conducted electroencephalogram (EEG) tests and a number of psychometric and projective tests including, intelligence tests, memory tests and Rorschach on both Eve White and Eve Black. After about 8 months of psychiatric treatment Eve White seemed to be making encouraging progress.