Diagnosis continued.—Amyotrophies dependent on joint lesion; on spinal or focal cerebral lesions.—Symptoms pathognomonic of hysteria in this patient; right hemianæsthesia; monocular polyopia with macropsy; bilateral retraction of the field of vision.

Case of Pin—: 2 Flaccid monoplegia and loss of all kinds of sensibility in the left upper extremity following a fall.—Other hysterical symptoms; diminution of hearing, taste, and smell on one side; retraction of the field of vision with transposition of the red; monocular polyopia; anæsthesia of the back of the throat; hysterogenic areæ; hysterical attacks followed by an improvement in the paralysis of the arm.

Psychic paralyses; their production by suggestion in hypnotism.—Different states of hypnotism considered in connection with the possibility of suggestion.