Development of a brachial monoplegia having all the characters of so-called hystero-traumatic monoplegia, due to a blow from a heavy body falling on the limb.—Fracture of the forearm.—Nervous shock; what it is that constitutes “local shock;” the part it plays in the production of hystero-traumatic paralysis.—Application of the splint; monoplegia with flaccidity becomes transformed into mono-plegia with contracture which presents all the characters of hysterical contracture.—The tendency to spasmodic contracture is a frequent occurrence in hysteria in either sex.—The most certain means of producing it is the application of a ligature around the limb.—The artificial production of contractures constitutes a veritable stigma of the hysterical state.—Amelioration of the patient after the different kinds of treatment; although the hand still preserves a certain degree of deformity which does not yield to the action of chloroform and which appears to be due to the formation of fibrous tissue.