The style and tools people use to capture visual truth will affect the message in an image. In instance of non-fiction comics, the visual truth is less about photographically accurate representation of the facts. As pointed out, best non-fiction comics focus the viewer's attention through the use of encapsulation and other storytelling techniques to arrive at the truth, or more accurately, at some truth. Box Brown, an Ignatz award-winning comic artist, his goal with storytelling in comics, in fiction and non-fiction, is to unravel the character. All comics, whether fiction or non-fiction, require a research phase similar to other creative productions. Sketchbooks and journals used for a specific purpose may take on a scrap-book-like quality, as these also become a repository for materials that may need to be pasted in. Since the early days of visual journalism in the nineteenth century, artists covering specific events have carried sketchbooks into the field-battle zones, tourism destinations, government offices, wherever the story lived.