This repetition of elements pro duces abasie reading rhythm or pacing of information as the interactor accesses the content. At MiniUSA.com, for example, most pages render a large photo, a paragraph of text, and then it's on to the next page. This quiek rhythm is deliberate, but in an overall environment that is relatively quiet and uncluttered. Repetition doesn't have to be boring, and it can give a site a consistent graphie identity that reinforces a distinct sense of "pI ace:'

The MiniUSA site (www.miniusa.com) for the Mini Cooper automobile line demonstrates many of the principles we've been discussing. (MiniUSA would not allow screen grabs to be published in any form.) Visit any one page in the site and that page's relationship to the rest of the site is readily discernible. The presentation, whieh details a fairly complex topie (a motor car), is easily scanned and navigated. Visual elements help to simplify navigation and index content. Perhaps the site's greatest strength is how seamlessly it reconfigures information depending on what is clieked.