This chapter concludes the book on how education in Indonesia has been used to help create multicultural citizens. In this chapter, I focus on answering the main research questions I formulated in Chapter 1. To make this focus clear, I repeat here the questions. First, how do educational policies promote/foster cultural and religious diversity and multiculturalism? Second, how are school curricula and teaching practices oriented to education for cultural and religious diversity? Third, how is religion taught to students, and how do its curriculum and teaching practices inculcate multicultural competencies of students? Fourth, how is school culture created, and how does it support the promotion of multicultural education? Fifth, how does school leadership direct and orchestrate school elements and programs in developing education for cultural and religious diversity? I draw the answers to these five questions from the discussions of the previous chapters and reflect further upon the findings. At the end of the chapter, I make several recommendations for developing multicultural education and draw out suggestions for further research in the area.