Images are powerful. There is a wealth of image resources available at your fingertips in your own photo collections and online, as well as in the clip art collections you have in the Notebook Gallery, online, and in other sources you may have. Images can be used for many purposes:

To create an emotional connection to the subject.

To show visual representation of people and their cultures:

Compare and contrast elements of different cultures.

To generate interest when introducing a new idea, concept or lesson:

Cover part of the image to build curiosity about what is missing.

As a discussion generator:

Pose a question or questions about a thought-provoking image.

Ask students to come up with their own questions about the image or why you chose it to illustrate what you are presenting.

As a writing prompt.

To help explain a concept that is better represented pictorially

To help teach language with picture-text associations.

To add humor to a lesson.

To get students to think:

Pair two seemingly unrelated images together and ask students to find a connection between them.